About Us

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St. Catharine School, a preschool through Grade 8 religious and academic program, is proud of the students who attend.  Students are comprised of parishioners from St. Catharine Parish, students who commute from other parishes with no Catholic school available to them, and non-parishioner students whose families desire a faith-based academic program.

Students are challenged to always respect those in their classrooms and other students within the school, to participate in Catholic faith activities and practices, to always demonstrate their best academic abilities, and to be ambassadors to others outside the school environment.


The administration, staff, students, and parish of St. Catharine School welcome you to our school. We hope that this educational environment that you chose for your child provides for an opportunity for spiritual and academic growth in a religious, caring, and supportive atmosphere. We invite you to participate in the many opportunities both within the school and the parish that promote and foster school, parish, and home communication.

St. Catharine School is a Catholic elementary school (preschool through grade 8) of St.Catharine Parish that is state chartered, accredited by the Ohio Catholic School Accreditation Association, and under the auspices of the Diocese of Columbus, Department of Education.

Mission Statement

St. Catharine Catholic School is a learning community that values spiritual growth and promotes academic achievement for all students through a rigorous implementation of Diocesan curriculum.

School Belief Statements

  • We believe that each student is a child of God with unique spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs and gifts.
  • We believe that our Catholic school builds positive relationships through:
    • Knowledge of Faith
    • Knowledge of Liturgy and Sacraments
    • Knowledge of Prayer
    • Knowledge of Life and Mission
    • Knowledge of Communal Life
    • Knowledge of Moral Formation
  • We believe students achieve when challenged to reach their potential
  • We believe members of a learning community develop best by interacting with and valuing the experiences of others.

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