Faith Formation


A comprehensive program of religious instruction is central to our educational program.

Weekly Mass Participation & Planning:
Students attend weekly Mass and participate in a variety of religious experiences such as Stations of the Cross, Penance Services, prayer services, and daily prayer experiences as a school community. Students are encouraged to participate as servers, lectors, cantors, and assist with the planning of the liturgy during the assigned class Mass schedule.

Religion Class & Service Activities:
Religion class is part of the daily schedule and the Diocesan Religion Course of Study is followed. This Course of Study addresses Catholic Church doctrines and traditions. Through classroom instruction (30 to 40 minutes daily), the message of Christ is integrated across curriculum areas. A sense of community is fostered in an atmosphere of respect and concern for all students. Service activities throughout the year provide students with various opportunities to learn about the needs of others and become involved in service towards those who need prayers and assistance.

Sacramental Preparation:
Sacramental preparation is an integral part of the religious life of the school and parish. Home study and family involvement are important to these preparations. Parent information sessions are held so that parents can be actively involved in the sacramental preparation. Parents are required to attend information meetings on sacramental preparation to provide them with information that will allow a more active role in their child’s faith formation.

  • 2nd grade students prepare for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Following are important related events; see the Calendar for specific dates for this school year:
    • Parent Meetings – scheduled throughout the year
    • First Reconciliation – usually in January or February
    • First Communion Rehearsal & Mass – usually in May
  • 7th and 8th grade students are involved in preparations for Confirmation. Commitment to serving Jesus and His Church is the call for every Confirmed Catholic and is a part of Confirmation preparation at St. Catharine. Following are important related events; see the Calendar for specific dates for this school year:
    • Parent Meetings – scheduled throughout the year
    • Confirmation Retreat – generally in the Spring or Fall
    • Confirmation Rehearsal & Mass – usually in May

St. Catharine Parish Opportunities:

Altar Server – To become an altar server, you must be in at least 5th Grade and have received the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

Middle School Youth Group
Grades 6th-8th

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